
?UN-EU 2012 Emissions Spread Narrows to Smallest Since June

with a bang...are these trades legit...why the big move folks? see attached...headline fill below and below that euas story... comments my way UN-EU 2012 Emissions Spread Narrows to Smallest Since June 22

By Mathew Carr
Sept. 6 (Bloomberg) -- The premium for European Union
carbon permits over 2012 United Nations credits narrowed to its
lowest level since June 22.
The spread between EU allowances and Certified Emission
Reduction credits for 2012 shrank 14 percent to 3.01 euros a
metric ton today as UN regulators increase scrutiny on projects
intended to reduce HFC-23.

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To contact the reporter on this story:
Mathew Carr in London at +44-20-7073-3531 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Rob Verdonck at +44-20-3216-4149 or
rverdonck@bloomberg.net EU Carbon Falls From Near Highest in Two Months as Gas Declines

By Mathew Carr
Sept. 6 (Bloomberg) -- European Union carbon-dioxide
allowances fell from near their highest level in more than two
months as natural-gas prices declined.
EU permits for December dropped 13 cents, or 0.8 percent,
to 15.61 euros ($20.15) a metric ton on London's European
Climate Exchange as of 8:35 a.m. They climbed to 15.95 euros on
Sept. 3, the highest price since June 21.
U.K. natural gas for October fell 2 percent on ICE Futures
Europe, the first decline in five sessions. Lower gas prices may
prompt some power generators to switch to the fuel, which
requires about half as many carbon permits to burn as coal.

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Top Power Stories: PTOP <GO>
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Today's top energy news: ETOP <GO>
European power-markets home page: EPWR <GO>

Mathew Carr, emissions markets, energy reporter. London Bloomberg News ph +44 207 073 3531 yahoo ID carr_mathew