Norway Mongstad Carbon Capture Costs 6 Billion Kroner, DN Says
2010-09-30 05:30:20.925 GMT
By Josiane Kremer
Sept. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Norway's carbon capture and storage
plant at the Mongstad refinery and power station will cost about
6 billion kroner ($1.02 billion), Dagens Naeringsliv reported
today, citing Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.
The government had initially estimated the cost to be 700
million kroner, according to the Oslo-based newspaper.
--Editor: Willy Morris
To contact the reporter on this story:
Josiane Kremer in Oslo at +47-2299-5043 or
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Tasneem Brogger at +44-20-7673-2254 or