RWE, BASF, Linde Reduce Energy Needs for Carbon-Dioxide Capture
2010-09-03 11:39:54.759 GMT
By Catherine Airlie and Angela Cullen
Sept. 3 (Bloomberg) -- RWE AG, BASF SE and Linde AG said
their method of capturing carbon-dioxide from power-station
smokestacks uses 20 percent less energy than other technologies.
The three companies have tested chemical solvents in
capturing CO2, a greenhouse gas blamed for climate change, at
RWE's Niederaussem power station near Cologne, Germany,
according to a joint statement e-mailed today. The results pave
the way for scaling up to large power plants, they said.
"By enhancing efficiency and accordingly reducing costs,
we have created a critical success factor for carbon capture
technology, which in our view is key to climate-compatible power
generation from coal," Johannes Heithoff, vice president of
research and development at RWE Power, said in the statement.
So-called carbon capture and storage has been supported by
European governments as a way of reducing emissions. The
technology has yet to be proven for large-scale use. Electricity
is required to capture the greenhouse gas.
RWE, BASF and Linde are working to prove capture of
CO2 from entire power stations, the statement said. The CO2 can
then be piped for storage underground or can be converted into
products such as fertilizers, they said.
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--Editor: Mike Anderson.
To contact the reporters on this story:
Catherine Airlie in London at +44-20-7073-3308 or
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Stephen Voss on +44-20-7073-3520 or sev@bloomberg.net