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IDB to Help Chile Cut Emissions Through Energy-Savings Program
2010-10-08 15:59:43.621 GMT
By Stephan Nielsen
Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) -- The Inter-American Development Bank
will support a Chilean program that could lead to power savings
of 200 gigawatt-hours and cut carbon-dioxide emissions by 2.9
million tons over 10 years.
The initiative will help to connect companies that want to
save power with specialized consulting firms and a government
fund that provides financing for the purchase of energy-
efficient equipment and machinery, the bank, known as IDB, said
today in a statement.
The program could help the South American nation's 1,500
small to medium-sized companies make a 15 percent saving on
their electricity bills, according to Christiaan Gischler, the
IDB project team leader.
The IDB-Global Environment Fund will furnish the recently
created Chilean Energy Efficiency Agency with a $2.6 million
grant to train energy-efficiency consulting firms and energy
auditors, among other measures.
The IDB also will help companies tap $1 million loans from
the nation's economic development agency Corporacion de Fomento
de la Produccion de Chile for energy efficiency projects.
For Related News and Information:
Chile and climate change: TNI CHILE CLIMATE <GO>
Renewable-energy special report: GREEN <GO>
Top energy stories: TOP NRG <GO>
Energy efficiency news: NI NRGEFF <GO>
--Editors: Todd White
To contact the reporter for this story:
Stephan Nielsen in Sao Paulo at +55 11 3017 4932 or
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at +44-20-7330-7862 or landberg@bloomberg.net.