
Fwd: Glacier Coverage in Western China to Contract 27.2%, Xinhua Says

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Glacier Coverage in Western China to Contract 27.2%, Xinhua Says
2010-10-08 16:33:58.77 GMT

By Joshua Fellman
Oct. 9 (Bloomberg) -- The amount of area covered by
glaciers in western China may contract by 27.2 percent by 2050,
Xinhua News Agency said, citing a report issued by the Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other organizations.
Climate change will reduce river runoff by 20 percent to 40
percent in Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang provinces,
Xinhua reported. A 4-degree rise in temperatures will increase
drought-affected areas by 843,000 square kilometers, it said.

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Joshua Fellman at +1-212-617-8042 or