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Figueres Says Cancun Talks May Produce Accords, Xinhua Reports
2010-10-06 16:28:45.945 GMT
By Joshua Fellman
Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Christiana Figueres, the United
Nations' climate-change chief, said countries may reach
agreements in planned talks in Cancun on a framework to support
adaptation to the effects of change and a mechanism for sharing
technology, Xinhua News Agency reported, citing an interview.
Figueres, executive secretary of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change, said getting all nations to agree
on controlling emissions involved "politically difficult"
issues, especially the continuation of the Kyoto protocol, the
news agency reported. Figueres spoke in Tianjin, China.
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Joshua Fellman at +1-212-617-8042 or