
(BN) EU Carbon-Permits Set for Biggest Weekly Rise for Two

set for the lowest vol today since...?


EU Carbon-Permits Set for Biggest Weekly Rise for Two Months
2010-08-06 09:28:34.486 GMT

By Mathew Carr
Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- European Union emission permits were
set for the biggest weekly rise in almost two months.
EU carbon dioxide allowances for December advanced 3 cents
to 14.37 euros ($18.94) a metric ton on the European Climate
Exchange in London as of 10:15 a.m. That's a rise of 1.6 percent
this week, the most since June 11.
United Nations Certified Emission Reduction credits for
December also rose 3 cents to 12.16 euros a ton.

For Related News and Information:
Emissions-trading stories: NI ENVMARKET BN <GO>
Today's top energy news: ETOP <GO>
European power-markets home page: EPWR <GO>

--Editors: Raj Rajendran, Rob Verdonck.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Mathew Carr in London at +44-20-7073-3531 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Stephen Voss at +44-20-7073-3520 or sev@bloomberg.net