
91!(NYT) Green: Support Grows for Expansion of Ozone Treaty



Green: Support Grows for Expansion of Ozone Treaty
2010-11-12 21:08:12.714 GMT

Nov. 12 (New York Times) -- This week I reported on a push
by a number of nations to expand the scope of the Montreal
Protocol, the treaty designed to deal with the degradation of the
Earth's ozone layer, to begin to address global warming. Several
countries, including the island nation of Micronesia, joined by
the United States, Mexico and Canada, are proposing to phase out
a family of industrial chemicals known as hydrofluorocarbons, or
HFCs, which have a minimal effect on the ozone layer but are
highly potent greenhouse gases.
The list of countries supporting the proposed phase-out of
HFCs plan has now grown to 91, according to Durwood Zaelke,
president of the Institute for Governance and Sustainable
Development, who attended the meeting. He said he expected more
countries to sign on before the next big session of climate talks
opens in Cancun, Mexico, at the end of the month.

Copyright 2010 The New York Times Company

-0- Nov/12/2010 21:08 GMT