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Senator Boxer Vows to Fight Republican Steps Halting Carbon Rule
2011-01-06 18:16:13.824 GMT
By Jim Snyder
Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Senator Barbara Boxer, a California
Democrat, vowed to use "every single tool available to me" in
backing the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of
greenhouse gases against Republican challenges.
Blocking the EPA from enforcing laws, including limits on
carbon emissions from new and modified power plants and large
factories, will "do harm to the American people," Boxer, the
chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,
said today at a news conference in Washington.
"Too much carbon pollution is a threat to society," Boxer
Republicans in the House led by Representative Fred Upton
of Michigan, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce
Committee, are pledging to block the EPA from regulating
greenhouse gases linked by scientists to global warming and
adopting other "job-killing" regulations.
Clean-air and water rules don't threaten job growth, Boxer
said. The U.S. economy has tripled in value since the Clean Air
Act was enacted in 1970, she said.
A healthy environment and a thriving economy go "hand in
hand," Boxer said.
Boxer's defense of the EPA's carbon rules, which took
effect on Jan. 2, may be opposed by Democrats.
Senator Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, wants to
delay carbon emissions limits for two years. Boxer said she
expected President Barack Obama would veto a delay of the
greenhouse-gas rules.
Boxer, who backed climate-change legislation that died in
the Senate last year, said she would introduce a similar bill in
the current Congress if she knew it would pass.
"We're not going to do it if we don't have the votes,"
she said.
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--Editors: Steve Geimann, John Lear
To contact the reporter on this story:
Jim Snyder in Washington at +1-202-624-1972 or
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Larry Liebert at +1-202-624-1936 or