UN Envoys May Lift $5,000 Pay Caap on Emission Trade Regulators
2010-12-03 20:19:07.563 GMT
By Mathew Carr
Dec. 3 (Bloomberg) -- United Nations envoys may decide to
remove a $5,000-per-year cap on the pay of members of the Clean
Development Mechanism Executive Board, according to a draft
document circulated today at climate talks in Cancun, Mexico.
Lifting the cap would probably expand the pool of talent
available for positions on the 10-member board, said Kim
Carnahan, a CDM policy specialist at the International Emissions
Trading Association, the Geneva-based lobby group.
She was speaking today by phone. The CDM is the world's second-
biggest carbon market by traded volume.
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Dan Stets at +1-212-617-4403 or