Carbon Traders Call on EU to Reconsider Planned Ban on Offsets
2010-12-14 14:55:09.58 GMT
By Ewa Krukowska
Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- The International Emissions Trading
Association called on the European Union regulator and member
states to reconsider a proposed ban on the use of carbon offsets
linked to some industrial gases in the EU cap-and-trade program.
The European Commission proposed last month a ban on United
Nations credits linked to hydrofluorocarbon-23 and nitrous oxide
from adipic acid production for compliance in the EU cap-and-
trade market, the world's largest emissions-trading system. The
restrictions would come into effect on Jan. 1, 2013, according
to the draft measure.
The Geneva-based IETA said that the bloc could consider
delaying the planned enactment of the ban to May 1, 2013, and
provide for banking of international credits from emission
reductions achieved by Dec. 31, 2012.
--Editors: John Buckley, Jonas Bergman
To contact the reporter on this story:
Ewa Krukowska in Brussels at +32-474-620-243 or
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Stephen Voss at +44-20-7073-3520 or sev@bloomberg.net