
Fwd: China Wheat-Growing Areas Under Drought Conditions, Xinhua Says

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China Wheat-Growing Areas Under Drought Conditions, Xinhua Says
2010-12-06 11:43:40.475 GMT

By Bloomberg News
Dec. 6 (Bloomberg) -- China's major wheat producing areas
have been experiencing drought for the past two months, with the
dry weather affecting millions of hectares of crops, the Xinhua
News Agency reported today citing provincial officials.
The four drought-hit provinces are Henan, Anhui, Shandong
and Hebei, which together produce over half of the country's
summer grain, 90 percent of which is wheat, the report said.
Since October, a lack of rain and high temperatures has
restricted wheat growth in the provinces, it said.
In Henan the dry weather has affected 730,000 hectares of
wheat crops, Xinhua said, citing Yang Biantong, spokesman with
the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters.
In Anhui, more than 667,000 hectares of wheat crops were
affected and in Shandong the drought had dried out more than 1.4
million hectares of wheat crops, or 40 percent of the province's
wheat growing area, the report said.

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