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China Urges Industrial Nations to Extend Carbon Emissions Cuts
2010-12-06 21:30:57.801 GMT
By Kim Chipman
Dec. 6 (Bloomberg) -- China said industrial nations should
extend pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions after the limits
in the Kyoto Protocol expire in 2012 and that the U.S., which
didn't ratify the treaty, should make comparable cuts.
"We need to stick to the Kyoto Protocol because it's the
result of a long-term effort and the only legally binding
document on emissions reductions," Xie Zhenhua, China's top
official on climate policy, said at a briefing today in Cancun,
Mexico. "We need to continue the second commitment period."
Developing countries under the 1997 accord can choose to
make "voluntary" reduction pledges, he said.
Emissions limits under Kyoto expire in 2012. The treaty
requires only developed nations to cut greenhouse gases. The
U.S. has said it's unacceptable not to require rapidly emerging
economies such as China to share in the reductions.
Japan, Russia and Canada have refused to sign up for a
second round of cuts once the current ones expire.
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To contact the reporter on this story:
Kim Chipman in Washington at +1-202-624-1927 or
To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at +44-20-7330-7862 or