
(BN) EU to Seek Views on 100-300 Million CO2 Permits for Early Sales


EU to Seek Views on 100-300 Million CO2 Permits for Early Sales
2010-12-03 15:19:50.317 GMT

By Ewa Krukowska
Dec. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The European Union regulator said it
will seek opinions whether the range of between 100 million and
300 million allowances for the post-2012 period expected to be
sold early is appropriate for further regulatory work.
The volume expected by analysts and power companies to
ensure "a smooth transition" to the next phase of the EU
emissions trading system is on top of 300 million allowances to
be sold by the European Investment Bank before 2013, the
European Commission said in a discussion paper for a Dec. 13
stakeholder meeting.

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To contact the reporter on this story:
Ewa Krukowska in Brussels at +32-2-237-4331 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Jones Hayden at +32-2-285-4312 or